Generate scaffold angular reactive form from UI |

Paresh Gami
Mar 16, 2021

Going to share one of the tools for creating reactive angular forms using UI only. No need to write code for that.

You can choose all the HTML inputs like textbox, email, password, checkbox, radio button, etc. for your forms, Choose your validation for selected controls.

Most of the time developer fills bit complicated for input array, input object with reactive form but gives you the freedom to create that kind of complicated forms as well.

View intro video here.

Like to share some of the screenshots

Choose your framework
Select your HTML input, Define validation and Your HTML and TS code are ready to copy.

Open for bugs, suggestions, or feature requests.




Paresh Gami

Full-Time Freelancer | Angular | Ionic | Cordova | Capacitor | ReactJs | NodeJs | React Native